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How Often Should You Post On Instagram?

Wondering how often you should post on Instagram? We’ve done the research and are here to answer this common question!

Why Does Posting Often Matter?

The more frequently you post on Instagram, the more likes you’ll receive. Posting more increases engagement and also earns you more followers faster. If you are looking to grow your page, it’s important you post frequently and consistently.

How Often Should you Post?

Aim to post on Instagram between one to three times per day. Major brands post on average of 1.5 times per day, so if you aim to follow the same rule you should do well.

While this is a general rule to follow, it may not work best for you. If you start by posting several times a day, and then slowly trail off to just a couple of posts per week, you will likely see your rate of user engagement decline. So while it is best to post often, it is also important to be able to keep up with a consistent amount of posts. If you cannot foresee being able to keep up with multiple postings a day, then it is better to do less and stay consistent.

In other words, the best amount of posts for your account is the number that you can keep up with consistently.

Another rule to follow is that of “quality over quantity.” It is always better to post less often and have high quality photos than to post low quality content frequently.

Other Tips and Tricks

If you upgrade your Instagram account to a business profile, Instagram will provide you with insights such as which posts were most popular, how many people you reached, impressions, where your followers are located and what times they view Instagram. All of this information can be factored into your decision as to how often to post.

Want more help growing your Instagram followers? Check out Socialbuddy!

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